You know that moment after you buckle the kids in their car seats after you shut their doors, but before you open your own? That tiny 10-second walk around to the driver’s side door? Pure heaven.
You know that moment when the kids are screaming or whining or kicking or doing some manner of awful thing in the car and you hold hands with your partner, squeeze their hand, and wonder how you’re supposed to love every moment of them being little?
You know that moment when you find your kid in their crib, diaper off, poop in hands and barely catch them before it goes on the wall, and you look around for someone else to be the grown-up?
You know that moment where you hear your child say they ate a hole in their dress at school and you literally have no response because that child has been fed breakfast, lunch and a snack so far that day, and it’s their new dress?!
You know that moment when you’ve played “I spy” 483 times and you just can’t even anymore?
You know that moment when your ability to play “Knock-knock” jokes with a 5-year-old just dies and instead of who’s there, you play “Nobody’s home?”
You know that moment when you wonder if your child will ever be potty trained, and your friend with teenagers reassures you it’s gonna happen?
You know that moment when you just let it (the house, plans, expectations, perfection) go because that’s the only way you’re all going to make it through this day without going crazy?
You know that moment when they’re in bed and even after the craziest day, you look at pictures and videos of them on your phone because you love them so much AND you’re so happy they’re asleep?
Me too. Somewhere in between and after and during, they grow up, little by little and also big by big.
You know when you drop them off at their first sleepover and you think about them most of the night hoping they have a good time?
You know when you don’t have to worry about potty training, but now you’re talking about puberty?
You know when each stage seems so difficult when you’re in it and then you look back and can’t pinpoint the moment of change to this new, different phase?
You know when your kids think you know it all? And then they think you know nothing?
Both feel pretty true. You know?