Janna Hudson

Janna Hudson
Janna Hudson is a work-from-home military spouse and mother of four resilient children. She currently resides in North Yorkshire, England, where her U.S. Air Force husband is currently serving as an Exchange Officer with the Royal Air Force. When not exploring the world with her family, Janna likes to sew, paint, build stuff, grow things, photograph and write about that which inspires her. She has written and illustrated picture books for children and a Women's Fiction novel called "Legacy: And Other Things Left Behind." Learn more about Janna by visiting her personal website: http://hudsonbooks.wixsite.com/index/

On Fridays We Wear Red: How to Show Support For Our Military

I consider myself a well-seasoned military spouse. My salt and pepper roots are not just owed to genetics but also in part to having spent more than a decade married to a military man....

10 Ways to Handle (and Love) Las Vegas WITH Kids

Like most military spouses, when assignment time rolls around, we often create a list of places we’d like to live and a list of places we’d rather not. Depending on your interests, Nellis AFB...

I Am a Triangle, and Maybe You Are, Too!

A long time ago, I was told that I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I wanted something in my life to go a certain way and, well, it...
woman holding a phone in the sunlight's glare

Navigating the World of Preteens, Phones, and Friendship

I've been secretly watching my preteen a little closer lately- not because she's bad. In fact, quite the opposite. She is young, impressionable, and naive as many "good girls" are. She is the teacher's...