

Lauren is the wife of an Army vet, and the mother of three crazy little boys. A former high school English teacher, she enjoys volunteering at her children’s school and is a freelance writer. In her spare time, Lauren enjoys going to bed early, a fresh cup of coffee, running, baking, and playing all the sports with her kids.
Father's Day

To My Husband on His Tenth Father’s Day

You know when you pick a mate and think about starting a family, it’s all a gamble. Unless they’re already a parent, you really do not know how they will act in the role....

The Me I Want to Be

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash As I type this I am about six months away from the big 4-0.  Not gonna lie, I am not jazzed about this birthday. But, luckily, I have quite...
Time, Too Much

The Time I Finally Took on too Much

If I was asked what my biggest weakness is, I’d have to say I try to do too much. Like many moms, I always think I can take on one more thing. I can...

Four Easy St. Patrick’s Day Crafts to Try at Home

If mothering had high school yearbook-style superlatives, I can say with total certainty that I would not be awarded “Most Artistic.” That being said, as a mother I find myself time and again thrust...

Recipes to celebrate Canned Food Month

Did you know that February is National Canned Food Month? Right?! Me neither. Beginning in 1987, the Canned Food Information Council designated this month to combat myths around canned foods being less nutritious. Whether you're...
Chores and Cleaning

Cleaning Up Your Act: How to Tackle Your Chores and Gain Some Sanity

When I was a kid, my Mom worked every Sunday. Thus, my Dad would start nagging my brother and I about our chores about five minutes after she pulled out of the garage. I loathed...
Holiday Mocktail

Quiz: Which Holiday Mocktail is for You?

It’s that time of year again for parties, family gatherings and enjoying special treats. Start a new holiday tradition this year by including one of these festive mocktails at your next soirée. Take this...
Kids Get Sick and That's Okay

Kids Get Sick, and It’s OK…or so I Tell Myself

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash   “I hope we don’t see you for awhile,” the nurse said as she waved goodbye to me on my way out. This was the fourth trip I had made...

I’m Finally the Chill Mom

Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Unsplash When I was a newish mother, I used to marvel at the other moms on the playground who didn’t flinch when their toddler took a tumble or an applesauce...
mother and son embracing on a street with "Why My Son Makes Me Proud" in text and MMC logo

My Son Makes Me So Proud

My children are what we like to call “willful." Sometimes, this comes across as a toddler decisively screaming for the Elmo fork. Other times, we see it in my first grader’s full on tuxedo as...
sports equipment in black and white on a red background. "Friday Favorites: Lauren's Essentials for the Sports Parent" in text and MMC logo

Friday Favorites: Lauren’s Essentials for the Sports Parent

It’s spring sports season again. Where I live, that means we begin in April with snow hats and puffer jackets, rocking ourselves as the wind whips and the setting sun cools us to a...
teeth floating on a pale blue background with darker blue box, "My Kids are a Pain...In My Teeth?" in text and MMC logo

My Kids Are A Pain…In My Teeth?

“Have a baby, lose a tooth,” might seem like just a myth to some. But for me, the old adage hits way too close to home. When I recently broke a filling as a result...