“Is that your dad again?” my husband asked me. I felt a knot in my stomach. “Yep. Third time today,” I said. I felt torn. Do I answer the phone and annoy my husband or do I ignore the call...
I can't help it. I get misty-eyed every year on Veteran's Day. I see men lined up in uniform on a stage at the local elementary school. I see them saluting the large flag that stands proudly over our...
I wasn’t a good patient the first few days at the rehab center. I didn’t want to be there. I don’t do well with change, especially ones I don’t like, and I was still drugged, groggy, and not keeping...
I got a bad haircut in December. I'd like to share with you what I learned from the experience. Nothing. I learned almost nothing. There is no silver lining except increased empathy for your bad haircuts, past or future.  While down...
I will have been married for an entire decade this February. People often raise their eyebrows when they find out I was only just 24 years old when I got married. In fact, I often watch in bemusement when...
“Have kids; it’ll do wonders for your sex life,” said absolutely no one ever in the history of the world.  Like most parents, maybe you’re finding yourself in a “rut” sexually with your partner. Or maybe you’ve decided to pop...
As a military spouse and sexologist, I get this question a lot: how do you keep the spark during deployment? How do you connect sexually with your partner who’s on a completely different continent? I love answering these questions...
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? If you do, do you keep them? The typical resolutions are things like eat healthy, lose weight, exercise more, and spend less money. They’re easy to make and hard to keep! What about picking a...
As the holidays come to a close and we look ahead to the new year, I am taking advantage of my indoor time to make my house more livable. Are you also using the colder winter months to prep...
My very first planner was a spiral bound 1986 Garfield desk calendar, a Christmas gift from my brother because I was obsessed with the lasagne-loving feline. This was way before teachers began showing students how to use planners or...
I find it near impossible to declutter and maintain my kids’ things. But like any mom knows, my best resource to solve this dilemma is another mother. So, for some tips to organizing my children’s countless belongings, I turned to...
fall leaves in green and orange with faded leaves on a pale yellow background with "When Seasons Change" in text and MMC logo

When Seasons Change

There is something about autumn that brings out the melancholy in me. Perhaps it's my Irish blood, but a little wistfulness is a welcome thing sometimes. As the leaves grow crisp (yes, even in Texas) and the air feels cooler...

Military Lifestyle

Embracing a Memorable Family Life in Italy

Vicenza, Italy has long been considered one of the Army’s most coveted duty stations. As soon as I realized I would be married to...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before