Did you know that active duty and retired military families can purchase discounted tickets to Disney World and Disneyland? Tickets are available in a four or five day package and include the park hopper option. This is a great deal...
This is part one of a series on fun and affordable things to do in Hawaii. This series also aims to highlight the need to find the positives in every assignment, even if it is not in paradise.  :)   Hawaii:...
It's that time of year again: beautiful formal gowns, perfectly manicured nails, and men in immaculate dress uniforms. Ball season only comes around once a year, and, for me, it is something I look forward to all year.  This year...
I have started and deleted this post many times. I am at a loss for words, which is weird for me because when I'm telling stories or trying to explain complicated concepts to my three children, my introverted husband...
This past Wednesday, senior advisor Ivanka Trump held a listening session at the White House with a group of military spouses. The topic was employment, or rather, the challenges military spouses face in finding and retaining employment. According to CNN...
I could hardly let him go the first drill weekend after he was home from Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). I remember being so angry and frustrated that the Army had him all summer and now was...
We live near a large Army base in South Carolina. When we first moved here almost three years ago, we were excited at the prospect of being near so many other military families and being able to take advantage...

Military Lifestyle

Volunteering is Professional Work Experience!

Volunteering is professional work experience and should be recognized as such. When was the last time you volunteered and did not apply, learn or...