
Monique Smith

Monique Smith
Mo is a Mortgage Loan Officer that was born and raised in South Louisiana. Her youngest son is an Airman currently stationed in Montana. His military journey led her heart to lend support, prayers, and encouragement to families of military service members. She is currently a part of the AFWM (Air Force Wing Moms) family that help people navigate their lives when a family member leaves for basic training. Mo loves reading and writing and drinking coffee with her favorite humans.

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road Guards. From a mama’s perspective – these duties prepare them...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

Writing to your trainee while in basic training can serve as a lifeline, connecting recruits to their support systems during a time of intense transformation. Each letter becomes a cherished thread of communication, weaving...
build credit

How to Build Credit Before Basic Training

Before your soon-to-be-trainee ships off to train for the world’s greatest military, it is a good idea to help them begin building their credit. This is most likely not something they’ll think about on...

Letting Go and Finding God in the Military

Finding God in their adult life was a concern for me when my children left the nest, especially when my son joined the military. My worries changed from wondering if they brushed their teeth...
Military Graduation

Golden Graduation Experience

The weeks of limited communication and waiting culminates in this beautiful golden graduation experience. You are finally being able to hug your trainee. They have worked so hard to get to this point. The...
Soldier's letter to his mom.

Basic Training Blues

Basic military training begins the day the recruit ships and it lasts from anywhere from 7.5 weeks to 12 weeks, depending on the branch (Comparing Basic Training for the 5 Branches of U.S. Military...
Ship Date

Ship Day Heartbreak

Ship day is the date an Active-Duty soldier’s contract begins. This is a day that family members will never forget. This is the day my 19-year-old son left to join the world’s greatest Air...