The winter blues. Somehow they always catch me off guard. And nowhere is this more evident than in my family’s weekday morning routine. Every year, the back-to-school season has us bright-eyed and bushy tailed. New clothes, new classes, new...
Dear You, I miss you. I did not know I would miss you as much as I do. I did not think I needed you so much until I found you. Well, that last part might not be accurate. I...
Before your soon-to-be-trainee ships off to train for the world’s greatest military, it is a good idea to help them begin building their credit. This is most likely not something they’ll think about on their own. In my experience (Mortgage...
Since moving overseas last year, and getting involved in the small military community here, I have met so many new military spouses and first time moms. Watching them navigate the ups and downs of this unique lifestyle, babies and...
This is one of my favorite go-to recipes for a busy week. All it takes is opening up some cans and setting the timer! My kids love it, and I love that it takes care of dinner and gives...
We are so glad YOU are here! Are you a woman who is associated with the military who enjoys writing, social media, and connecting with women in your community? Have you ever considered yourself a mom with something to say? We...
The military life is full of ups and downs, ins and outs, hellos and goodbyes, friendships that last a season and some that last a lifetime. With all of the change and the chaos, I cannot begin to say...
“If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl but by all means keep moving forward” -Martin Luther King Jr. I absolutely LOVE this quote. At age 50 something, a mom...
The holidays are winding down, the calendar has flipped to a new year, and there is no better time to spend a few moments here and there organizing your home. Whenever I pack up the holiday decorations, I try...
What is it about the holidays that makes fitness so difficult?  October, November, and (of course) December can be summed up into 4 simple words: increased stimulus and decreased time. In the fitness realm, the major issue with this is...
January. Oh, January. The time when we envision a clean slate. The holidays have come and gone, the decorations have been tucked away and we have 10 months to wait before the anticipation of giving thanks and getting gifts...
I've heard that a little green juice is great for detoxing after the holidays or whenever you have overdone it with food and beverage! Not sure if that is a true fact but I say "a little extra "Green"...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before