Back in July of 2017, I wrote my very first Military Moms blog. It spoke to the newness of being a military spouse. It was well received overall. However, there was one military spouse, in particular, who was really...
Open up a credit card to make travel cheaper? Sounds pretty counter-intuitive, right? Actually it isn’t, and I'm here to explain why every military member with good credit should have one premium travel card. Now, don’t get this confused with...
I cried at Chick-fil-A today. I went there to eat my feelings, but instead I ended up making everyone around me exceptionally uncomfortable.  I fully believe that Chick-fil-A is a place to be happy. To eat the Lord's Chicken, to...
Summer is over, and it is time to say au revoir to your little loves. If your like me and your youngest is now in school, summer ending also means welcome to the "school-aged mom club."  For seven glorious...
Why do we love The Locket Sisters? Well, that's a trick question because we love the company but also we LOVE the sisters, Amy and Allyssa. We could try to ramble on and on and explain why -- for...
My husband deployed in August 2017 for nine months just three weeks after our daughter was born. To help the time pass more quickly, I brainstormed a list of personal growth challenges. I was inspired by Lent and fasting...
I still remember the planner my homeroom teacher passed out the first week of middle school. The size of a spiral notebook, it had daily sections for recording assignments, monthly calendars, and reference pages (useful in the days when...
How am I going to be ‘Dad of the Year’ if I’m a self-serving psycho who craves little things like food and water? All joking aside, surely you know about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943,...
In honor of Mother’s Day, we interviewed a military mom from each of the past eight decades. We enjoyed hearing what has changed and what has stayed the same. From fads to parenting techniques to timeless advice, moms have...
There is one thing I know definitively; you are pregnant for nine months for a reason. For those of you who have been pregnant, consider all the thoughts that began to go through your mind the moment that pregnancy was...
In honor of Mother's Day, we interviewed a military mom from each of the past eight decades. We enjoyed hearing what has changed and what has stayed the same. From fads to parenting techniques to timeless advice, moms have...
In honor of Mother's Day, we interviewed a military mom from each of the past eight decades. We enjoyed hearing what has changed and what has stayed the same. From fads to parenting techniques to timeless advice, moms have...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before