The other day my daughter came into our room to wake me up for the day and greeted me by saying, "Mommy, you forgot to change into your pajamas last night before bed!"  I thought to myself before responding to...
Before I had children. Before I was married. Before I moved away to follow my soldier across the country. Before all of that, there was you, my best friend from "before." In what now feels like a past life, I...
Let me start off by saying, any spouse who supports his or her service member in any branch of service - I salute you (Wait, can I do that?)! If you are one of the lovely women or men who...
Making friends is hard. Building meaningful relationships is harder. Sometimes it even feels impossible; but it's not. We've all been the new person at some point in our lives. We've been the only one in the room who doesn't know...
They say it takes a village to raise a child…but how do you go about finding your village?! Do they just turn up, or do you need to fill out an application? I’m joking, of course.  But finding your village...
A few weeks ago, I was bracing for a busy day. My son woke up feeling sick and since I work from home, I focused on keeping him comfortable in the real world while juggling looming deadlines in the...
These days, the first thing anyone asks me is, “Are you ready for the move?” We’re PCSing in six weeks. I should be deep in preparations--cleaning, decluttering, saying goodbye. But the truth is, I’m hardly thinking about it. That isn’t to...
I thought it was difficult meeting people and making friends as a single adult, but then I became a mom and moved to a new city with an infant. After having a child, I found out how truly isolating new...
Marriage can be challenging, especially after having kids or while living the military lifestyle. While some couples are fortunate enough to have friends and family nearby to take the kids for the occasional date night, others are not so lucky....
One of the challenges of being a military spouse is that you are unlikely to live near your (or your spouse's) family. That means your support system may not be what you'd like. In an effort to have a...
The perfect mother: a title bestowed upon the best moms and coveted by many. This woman can balance everything. Her children are carefully dressed and well-behaved. She can manage a career and be present at home and for all...
I don’t possess any superhuman powers, but I was born on December 25, Christmas Day. Yup, I share my birthday with St. Nicholas, Santa and Jesus. My name, Natalie Noel literally means “Christmas Day Christmas” in French, for which I...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee