These are "before and afters" from my amazing tribe members. They quite literally rode their butts off.  Most of you have probably seen the tremendously compelling advertising for the fitness company Peloton. Perfectly beautiful, perfectly toned people riding their problems...
I am bipolar but didn't know it until I was 34 years old. I thought I was just a hormonal moody teenager. Small things would send me over the edge. My frizzy hair would not do what I wanted so...
A lot of ink gets spilled about Mom Guilt. That creeping, nagging feeling, however true or untrue, that we could have done it better. We members of the motherhood tribe are capable of making ourselves feel bad for any...
When you hear the term WASP, what do you think of? If your first thought was not about the Women Airforce Service Pilots, don't fret. It's something I had not heard before I read our October book, Final Flight Final...
On day five of the freeze of the century here in Texas this past winter—because a global pandemic is just not punishment enough sometimes—my husband and I decided it was time to venture out and see if there was...
Three years ago, I quit my job. I quit my career. I left the paid "working world." All for a good reason, of course. Three years of European living courtesy of the husband's job was like a dream come...
If I'm really honest with myself, I spent most of my kids' early years feeling like I was always falling short. Call it mom guilt, call it the natural response to four kids and only so much of me...
These cookies have been my absolute favorite for over a decade. I love these cookies and have worked a long time to finally perfect these. If ever there is a friend in need of a pick me up, a...
  The perfect deployment outfit is a must. But let's be clear, I'm not talking about that thoughtfully put together ensemble you'll wear to greet your spouse as he or she returns home. Oh no. I'm talking about the outfit you'll wear...
Trauma and events affect every person differently. In this month's book club pick, What Comes After by Joanne Tompkins, we watch as a selection of citizens from a small Washington town are both drawn together and torn apart by...
But among these bloody fingerprints are those made by ourselves, and these can't be wiped away so easily. Over the years I've buried a lot of bones; now I'm inclined to dig them up again - if only for...
"How's that New Year resolution working for you?" That's what the marquis sign at the local swim club would read this time of year at our last duty station. My husband thought the sentiment sounded smug, and he wasn't convinced...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee