Back to school is a busy time with buying school supplies, sports physicals, teacher meetings, open houses, clothes shopping and more. But if you’re the parent of an allergy child, you have additional tasks; trips to the allergist, putting...
Why do we love The Locket Sisters? Well, that's a trick question because we love the company but also we LOVE the sisters, Amy and Allyssa. We could try to ramble on and on and explain why -- for...
  Remember when marriage was a blissful and simple? When it was just the two of you spending the whole weekend together vegging out, going to the movies, or getting dressed up to go dancing … Then along came those little...
My husband deployed in August 2017 for nine months just three weeks after our daughter was born. To help the time pass more quickly, I brainstormed a list of personal growth challenges. I was inspired by Lent and fasting...
I recently watched a video that was floating around Facebook and it was titled “Hard-Hitting Nature Valley Ad Shows the Terrifying Side of Kids Addicted To Technology.” The video showed a difference in how my generation (80s children and...
Occupation Unspecified: What Label Fills Your Blank Space? As a military spouse, have you ever had to re-think your career field? Have you ever had to switch gears and try something new because your new duty location simply didn’t offer...
  My sweet girl, It is the summer before you start middle school. I don’t know how this came about so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I brought you home from the hospital where you promptly began screaming for the...
  This past June we finished PreK through a local elementary. Though it was my daughter who got the certificate, I say “we,” because y’all know it takes a village with those take-home folders, class parties, wake-up times ... the...
I have always been a runner. That doesn’t mean I’m an impressively fast athlete, but running has always been a part of my life, going back to when I was 12 years old. Long before children, I went on...
Tonight, I did one of my favorite things: I went to see a movie by myself. All by myself. I like to pick a movie that I know my husband or kids will not like, devour some nachos or...
Recently, my neighbor passed away after a lengthy battle with breast cancer. She was only in her early forties and left behind a husband and young son. Her loss hit very close to home and made me stop and...
It’s one of the biggest struggles military families face: ensuring a quality education for their children. Frequent moves and their resulting long-term disruptions make continuity of education difficult; and while other families often take school-district quality into consideration when...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee