By some miracle, the house is quiet. My daughter sleeps hard as the shades in her windows block out the afternoon sun. In the room next door, I hold my son close, dancing him to sleep while Audrey Hepburn...
I read one time that in an effort to minimize stress and anxiety, you should only have one major life event in a year. Get married, have a baby, change jobs, move anywhere … those things might all happen...
Dear Mom, From the moment I can remember, you have always kissed me goodnight, goodbye or even good luck. I have ducked, dodged, avoided and even (gasp) brushed off your kisses. They were a mushy show of affection that only...
I had never planned to have children outside of the United States. The hope for an overseas assignment always seemed like a long shot for my husband's career, and the thought of fighting a language barrier and different practices...
Pregnancy is a strange/awesome/crazy/fun/sick/roller coaster of emotions time in your life. Here are a few things I am happy to have said goodbye to and some things I actually miss from those nine months.  Things I Don’t Miss Throwing Up and...
I had my son in February of this year and looking back, I wish I would have kept track of the countless hours I sat attached to my faithful breast pump. I really think that I spent more time...
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month and, if you have a friend with a family member who has Down syndrome, your Facebook or Instagram may become flooded with informative posts about what exactly Down syndrome is.  However, you don’t often...
  Remember when marriage was a blissful and simple? When it was just the two of you spending the whole weekend together vegging out, going to the movies, or getting dressed up to go dancing … Then along came those little...
Although miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant mortality have occurred throughout history, it wasn’t until 1988 that President Ronald Reagan designated the month of October to its observance. By 2002, October 15th was specifically recognized as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness...
Disclaimer for the teenage (probably angst-ridden) boy of mine who may someday find this on the dark recesses of the internet: I do not regret your name—I hope you don’t either. Plus, you were a far easier infant than...
As I write this, I am weeks away from meeting baby No. 3. Braxton Hicks contractions are in full swing and I’m on the lookout for every possible sign my weeble-wobble days are at an official end. Because I somehow...
I have three sons: 7, 4, and 1 1/2. I was unable to breastfeed any of them longer than eight weeks. I have what is called Hypoplasia/Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT), which means it is incredibly difficult for my breasts to...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee