I don't buy Mother's Day cards. I used to love going through the card aisle and reading the “funny” Mother’s Day cards. The creativity and hilarity of what people came up with to put on a card was amusing to...
This month on the blog – in conjunction with Britax – we are thrilled to share a series of posts on child safety in honor of Month of the Military Child. Not only do Britax car seats meet all...
Motherhood is wonderful, joyful, difficult, stressful, and amazing all at the same time. Do you know what else it is? Gross. Yep, being a mom can be gross sometimes. Who am I kidding? A lot of the time! Last week I...
When it comes to gun control in America, opinions typically fall somewhere on a spectrum, with no distinct middle ground. There is a lot to consider when "choosing a side," if one must. In fact, an article from The...
Last spring, I cut back my Russian sage plants to practically nothing. I read and followed the online advice for pruning the plant, but I was nervous that I might have taken too much off. Would the plant survive...
  The perfect deployment outfit is a must. But let's be clear, I'm not talking about that thoughtfully put together ensemble you'll wear to greet your spouse as he or she returns home. Oh no. I'm talking about the outfit you'll wear...
I don't know about you, but having kids in my thirties was harder than expected. I always knew I wanted kids, a daughter for sure. God in his wisdom gave me two boys. I love my boys deeply, they just weren't what I expected or...
When we finally got our first kid sleeping through the night, we basically felt like parenting experts. We had read books together and followed them religiously. And it had worked. The night before we implemented The Plan, she woke...
My husband was on flight duty when I received the 2:00 a.m. phone call. We were stationed at the infamous Ft. Drum in Upstate New York. We had been there only a short three months, and there was three...
You’ve heard of Murphy’s Law, right – anything that can go wrong, will? Well, we here at Military Mom’s Blog recognize another fundamental law of the universe … Murphy’s Law of Deployment. Anything that can go wrong during a deployment, will. We...
I have been researching a new running coach/personal trainer/magic worker. I have never used one and after listening to a few podcasts, I've decided to give it a go and see how much it will help my running relationship and,...
Three years ago, my daughter and I were in a car accident. A man ran a red light, crashed into me in the driver’s seat and wrapped my baby girl’s side of the car around a telephone pole. In the split-second...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before