As a middle school teacher, there’s nothing that hurts my heart more than hearing a student say, "I hate reading!” I love reading so much that I can’t fathom life without that pleasure. There is no greater escape than...
Today is World Autism Day.  Whether you stand for Awareness or Acceptance, the goal is still inclusivity.  But we’re going to be talking broader than Autism.  We are going to be touching on disabilities as a whole.  According to...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. I recently had my 4th baby. I'm...
It’s one of the biggest struggles military families face: ensuring a quality education for their children. Frequent moves and their resulting long-term disruptions make continuity of education difficult; and while other families often take school-district quality into consideration when...
Photos included in this article are from special needs families who sent me their favorite family photo. When I made the decision to try and become a mom, I was naïve. My world growing up had been sheltered from what...
As a homeschool mom, the end of summer has both positive and negative connotations. I take a moment to mourn lazy mornings and endless hours of porch-sitting with friends. I now must get back to some sort of schedule....
It's back to school time! Or is it?  There is still a great deal of uncertainty on how and where schooling will take place for our children this fall. Every school district, city, state, and country is adjusting to our...
Libraries, like so many other institutions, went through difficult times during the covid era. I was just beginning to feel like I was ready to sit through story time on a regular basis with a toddler AND a baby,...
It is sakura (cherry blossom) season, and that means a number of holidays are upon us here in Japan.  Japan has plenty of holidays that are only celebrated here. That means when things are closed or we see a lot...
We have homeschooled our four children for several years. *Note I’m using the royal we. I have been responsible for their education for the last three years.* It has been challenging and daunting. My mom guilt is multiplied because now...
I remember the day like it was yesterday: we were stationed in Italy, my husband was working another 16-hour day, and I was running on empty. Again. My first baby (around 2 months old at the time) just finished...
  St. Patrick's Day Crafts are some of the most pinned crafts you can find on Pinterest. With parents grasping for ideas while we continue to try and stay home, here are a few you may not have considered.  As an English...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before