Hello MilMC readers, my name is Carrie Ring. I am a new contributor to the MilMC team. To introduce myself, I wanted to share a deeply personal blog about where I am at in my “Military Spouse / Soon-To-Be-Military...
If you are stationed anywhere near Tulsa, Oklahoma -  you absolutely have to visit Gathering Place! It is the best free park I have ever visited. We've been four times now, and the kids loved it just as much the...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. Two Christmases ago, I purchased kid-friendly tablets...
The other day I was at the bookstore with my daughter. We happened upon The Care and Keeping of You from the American Girl Library. She picked it up and asked me what it was about. I said, "Remember that funny-sounding...
Do you like playdough? Do your kids? Most of us have play dough in the house or perhaps like to make our own. We like using playdough for learning and play. Adding a sensory element to learning is a great...
"I'm so ready for summer!" "Thank goodness the school year is almost over!" "Bring on summer break!" These are things I never understood when I was a working mom. Life never really changed for us during the summer, except for figuring out...
Dear Mom, From the moment I can remember, you have always kissed me goodnight, goodbye or even good luck. I have ducked, dodged, avoided and even (gasp) brushed off your kisses. They were a mushy show of affection that only...
This post was written in honor of World Prematurity Day on November 17th and aims to spark conversation and awareness about an often overlooked repercussion of traumatic births.  In an ideal world, those first beautiful moments you gaze into your...
It's Teacher Appreciation Week! And while we teachers absolutely love your thoughtful words and gifts (and Starbucks gift cards), there's one thing we appreciate the most: parents having our backs as we head into the end of the school...
When you have a baby, every well-intentioned veteran parent you meet tells you that these days will go by too fast. That if you blink, you'll miss it; that the days may be long but that the years will...
I’ve never struggled to know what I like to do. I changed my major seven times in college but only because I loved everything. I was so excited by the abundance of opportunities to learn that I found myself...
In some ways, college hasn't changed all that much in the past 20, OK ... 23 years since I went away to school. Dorms still provide students with only the bare bones of necessities that include a bed, a...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee