I don't know about you, but having kids in my thirties was harder than expected. I always knew I wanted kids, a daughter for sure. God in his wisdom gave me two boys. I love my boys deeply, they just weren't what I expected or...
Holidays can be stressful for anyone. But being in a military family often makes creating meaningful memories a little more challenging. Going "home" isn't always an option. Your family rarely lives nearby. A holiday doesn't always mean a day off...
My daughter will be turning eight next month. She recently asked me if we would be moving again since her birthday is coming up. We’re not moving but let me explain why she thought we might be.    Two out of...
My best friend and I have been friends since we were in sixth grade. I'm not even going to tell you how long ago that was because it makes me feel old. But, let's just say that we've been...
A friend came over recently and brought my husband and me freshly-baked scones and homemade masks. It was a personal and lovely gesture during a time when we all could stand to have something lovely and personal happen to...
I have a major confession to make. The first spouse social I attended caused me to wrongfully judge all future events no matter where our assignments took us. I have been a military spouse for almost 17 years and...
Marriage can be challenging, especially after having kids or while living the military lifestyle. While some couples are fortunate enough to have friends and family nearby to take the kids for the occasional date night, others are not so lucky....
Let me start off by saying, any spouse who supports his or her service member in any branch of service - I salute you (Wait, can I do that?)! If you are one of the lovely women or men who...
I've been around the military for a long time. I became a tried and true Army brat with my first cross country PCS move over 32 years ago at a mere 3 weeks old. After 8 more moves around the...
When a friend’s birthday is coming up, I usually know what I want to buy her months in advance. When Christmas rolls around and you need gift ideas, I’m your woman. Surprisingly, my love language is not that of...
It’s that time of year again... Holiday parties are in full swing, trees glitter through frosted windows, and the eggnog pours freely. Festive movies dance across our television screens all month long; and if one were to pull away from...
“I don’t know what to do,” my 11 year old said as she plopped down at the kitchen table. “About what?” I asked her. “About my friend. I mean, I think we’re friends. I don’t know. I don’t know if I...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee