Goodbye Facebook

Goodbye Facebook

I took a break from Facebook, and I am slowly getting the pieces of my life back. You've probably heard the phrase, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” Well, this hand has not been feeding me. It has been...
Opening scene: It is my first postpartum period. I am trying to put in my menstrual cup (more on that later) and it WILL NOT pop open. I’m doing this by flashlight balanced on the counter because we haven’t...
We've all been there. It's PCS time, and we miss the things we left behind. We miss the familiarity of knowing where all our favorite ingredients are at the grocery store. There's missing knowing how to get around. We...
Did you know that April 1st is World Reading is Funny Day? I didn’t either.  “It is aimed at rekindling a passion for reading among the younger generation” But let’s take it a step further and say “rekindling a...
I have been associated with the military my entire life; an association that spans three generations of service. In a previous blog I wrote about the phenomenon of the military being a statistical ‘family business’ and when I took...
Last week, we spoke about why COVID vaccination is important to us. Now, we want to help you find a vaccine location near you for you and your children as we continue to partner with the U.S. Department of...
At the time of writing this, I am awaiting my COVID-19 test results. I started feeling congested and had a headache. I hoped for a cold. But when my headache and exhaustion continued and several coworkers were positive for COVID,...
Growing up, I had no clue that I was an introvert. Somehow, I had this perception that introverted people were shy bookworms who stayed home all day, every day. Essentially, in my mind, they were boring. I was not...
"They saw something on my mammogram, and I have to go back for more tests." This was the text I woke up to from my best friend back in January. I stared at it in disbelief and told myself it...
These cookies have been my absolute favorite for over a decade. I love these cookies and have worked a long time to finally perfect these. If ever there is a friend in need of a pick me up, a...
Jennifer Weiner is an accomplished fiction author. I have read several of her books, and they all include women who overcome trials and or adversity in many forms. These women are real. They have emotions, complexities, and do not...
COVID-19 has changed lives across the planet. One of the things I keep seeing all over social media is "We're all in the same boat!" While I appreciate the sentiment of unity, this is far from true. We are all in...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee