Have you ever put together a coping kit for your family? Maybe you had a bag of children's toys in your car for similar uses without even realizing it. When heading to a dentist appointment or lunch with a...
Recently, a friend asked me to come over and help her babysit. She'd agreed to babysit another friend's two children. I immediately said yes with absolutely no hesitation. I wanted to help her. And I did. But that request turned into another. She...
Our house was hit hard this year. It started around Halloween and is still haunting us in the New Year. I don’t think we have made it a full week without someone in our house coming down with illness....
When I was young, single, and child-free, I went to the spa monthly. I had my nails done every two weeks and my hair done at least every other month. I thought that was the minimal maintenance for me to...
I know that December is a busy month for all of us. Between school functions, concerts, work parties, holiday traditions, and time with family and friends, it's a miracle that anyone has time for anything else! That is why...
It’s a new year, and many of us are making new goals and resolutions for 2018. I’m a planner, and I love to make goals and encourage my kids to come up with resolutions (although they rarely do). But all...
Friendship can be hard especially when balanced on a perpetually spinning wheel. I liken military friendships to a roller coaster; the ride can be a thrill, circuslike enjoyment, spinning all sorts of directions with extreme highs and extreme lows....
Our busy, complicated lives sometimes bring a wave of negative emotions: sadness, jealousy, depression, grief, anger, confusion, anxiety, and stress. It is all too easy to succumb to the powerful nature of these emotions and allow them to control...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before