You are a military spouse.  You'll meet more people during your spouse's years of services than you can count. You'll meet superiors and subordinates. You'll meet classmates, wingmen, and crew members. You'll meet new spouses, older spouses, and single military members....
Kids and chores. When is the best time to start? I say now. With more of us at home than ever, this is a great time to begin daily chores in my house. After a quick Google search, I came across...
If I'm really honest with myself, I spent most of my kids' early years feeling like I was always falling short. Call it mom guilt, call it the natural response to four kids and only so much of me...
In December of 2001, I sat on the floor in the Newark airport crying as I heard them announce the final boarding call for my flight home to see my family for Christmas. After 2 hours of begging and...
It’s no secret we mommas turn to Google when we find out where our new duty station is going to be. As soon as my husband got his orders last year, we celebrated only for a brief moment and...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. Swapping store bought beauty products for natural...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. I know what you’re thinking: reuse fruit...
After my daughter was born, I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to continue breastfeeding exclusively once I returned to work. I had no idea if pumping throughout my work day was going to be successful. In an...

I Have Commitment Issues

It’s that time of year when everyone is focused on self care and what they can do to be a better version of themselves in 2019. Every year I make the same “resolution” or promise to myself. Every year I...
In "Friday Favorites," our team shares a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. Our sustainable living journey began four years ago when I got up and...
The holidays are winding down, the calendar has flipped to a new year, and there is no better time to spend a few moments here and there organizing your home. Whenever I pack up the holiday decorations, I try...
My life as a working mom with two kids and a husband means a lot of online shopping! There just isn't enough time in the day to get the most basic tasks done, let alone spend time shopping and...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before