A few weeks ago, I was scrolling through Instagram when I came across a post by Humans of New York. I always love the page’s insightful glimpses into ordinary people’s lives, and this one was no different. The woman...
What do you think of New Year's resolutions? January 1st always brings with it a certain expectation, one that over the years I have grown more and more apprehensive of. It's an expectation to start over, to do and be...
Tragedy, neglect, addiction, manipulation - all these words can describe "The Con Man's Daughter" by Candice Curry. Yet, this memoir is so much more than this. It is a story of triumph over tragedy, love over pain, and forgiveness...
Long before we got pregnant, I knew I’d be a boy mom.  Not just any boy mom, a #boymom. You know what I’m talking about. #BOYMOM The coveted hashtag dedicated to the moms of boys who go “son up to son...
Not long ago, I posted the following picture via @mommafiltered to one of my social media accounts: The idea seemed to resonate with people, as one-by-one, encouraging messages and ‘likes’ poured in. A handful felt the need to clarify that...
It was 3am, and neither of us had slept. My red-faced, two-day-old son was screaming and writhing in my arms, refusing to latch to my bruised and bloody nipples. His deep need for comfort and sustenance was something I didn’t...
It’s hard to believe that anyone might say the words “breastfeeding saved my life,” but in my case, it did.  It was always my dream, as it is with any new mom, to breastfeed my baby. In fact, during our...
I feel compelled to start this post about infertility with a much needed, “I’m sorry.” I’ve requested stories of women who’ve struggled with infertility, and I’ve heard many stories of pain, loss and hardship with miscarriages, SIDS, and infertility. This...
When I was growing up, I had a bit of an attitude. I was assertive (insert stubborn) and knew what I wanted (still do). I loved to test the limits. This gave my parents, especially my mom who was...
I would say I am "mildly athletic." I played sports in high school, got out of shape in my twenties, and discovered distance running (and by distance, I mean I prefer 5Ks to half marathons, but have done both...
Our youngest graduates high school this May, so there is a lot of talk about majors and decisions on futures in our house. She’s kiddo #5, and this is not my first rodeo. This is big stuff! Important decisions...
I’m 21 and pregnant and scared out of my mind. My doctor tells me that I have pulmonary hypertension and that the standard of care is to terminate my pregnancy. I can’t live without my baby, but I really...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee