Raise your hand if you’ve ever needed a babysitter. Raise your hand if you’ve ever needed a babysitter and didn’t know a single person you could call or trust. Raise your hand if you’ve ever canceled your plans and avoided doing...
  Finding your way when a village doesn't exist Perhaps it's one of those nostalgic, rose-colored glasses perspectives, but it often feels like the days when parents had an established village was a lot less overwhelming than modern-day parenting. That's not to...
Motherhood changes you. And I'm not just talking about your boobs and pelvic floor. Motherhood has changed my mind and my heart; my body and my health. It has changed me for better and for worse. For starters, motherhood has...
A struggling first-time mom and her quarrels with adjusting to a life that is not her own anymore … sound familiar? Many of us can relate to the painful transition of becoming a first-time mom; the agonizing exhaustion and the...
I had never planned to have children outside of the United States. The hope for an overseas assignment always seemed like a long shot for my husband's career, and the thought of fighting a language barrier and different practices...
Long before we got pregnant, I knew I’d be a boy mom.  Not just any boy mom, a #boymom. You know what I’m talking about. #BOYMOM The coveted hashtag dedicated to the moms of boys who go “son up to son...
Everyone seemed to be so excited when Disney Plus came out. And by everyone, I meant adults everywhere. People counted down days until its arrival; some even took the day off work! There were so many memes that came...
It usually starts the same way. The lipstick is too dark. That crop top is not appropriate for school (sometimes not even the living room). Those earbuds have to be removed before it becomes surgically necessary. He is not...
I didn't get anything done today.   My "to do" list fell by the wayside when my 6-month old woke up from her nap ten minutes in and needed to be snuggled back to sleep. There I sat, trapped beneath...
A lot of ink gets spilled about Mom Guilt. That creeping, nagging feeling, however true or untrue, that we could have done it better. We members of the motherhood tribe are capable of making ourselves feel bad for any...
When a friend’s birthday is coming up, I usually know what I want to buy her months in advance. When Christmas rolls around and you need gift ideas, I’m your woman. Surprisingly, my love language is not that of...
“It could be nothing ... or it could be ... something.” With those words so casually mentioned by my doctor after a recent regularly scheduled prenatal ultrasound, I was tossed headfirst into a place of uncertainty and anxiety.  This one phrase...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before