Tragedy, neglect, addiction, manipulation - all these words can describe "The Con Man's Daughter" by Candice Curry. Yet, this memoir is so much more than this. It is a story of triumph over tragedy, love over pain, and forgiveness...
How in the name of summer time is it back-to-school season already?! Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels like she blinked and the lazy days of summer vanished. No seriously, validaaate meeeeee. You might not believe it,...
Why does it have to be so hard for a military spouse to find a new job?  That’s kind of a rhetorical question but if anyone has answers, I’m willing to listen! I am currently trying to rejoin the workforce...
This past month has been pretty stressful. Both boys are playing sports, so that's two sets of practices and games consuming our lives every week. Work has had its ups and downs. I'm considering a job switch, which has...
If you're like me, there's a good chance that up until these past couple of years, you had no idea that human trafficking was taking place in America. I'm not a journalist. Or a reporter. And I don't even really...
The days are quickly approaching where my sweet school-aged children will be released from school for the summer! Home with me. All day. Every day. And a little secret: I love it. I love not having to set my alarm. I love eating dinner...
You’ve heard of Murphy’s Law, right – anything that can go wrong, will? Well, we here at Military Mom’s Blog recognize another fundamental law of the universe … Murphy’s Law of Deployment. Anything that can go wrong during a deployment, will. We...
“It could be nothing ... or it could be ... something.” With those words so casually mentioned by my doctor after a recent regularly scheduled prenatal ultrasound, I was tossed headfirst into a place of uncertainty and anxiety.  This one phrase...
Carrie Underwood came under criticism in 2018 for remarks she made during an interview with Redbook. When asked if she wanted a large family, Carrie responded: "I'm 35, so we may have missed our chance to have a big...
"Not many people have asked if I'm OK.” Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex and wife to HRH Prince Harry, made this simple yet honest statement. She spoke candidly in an interview for a documentary on their whirlwind African trip, during...
  Over the years my self-care needs have changed. For me, self-care used to mean going out of the house and being away from my kids for a while. Being in the house was not relaxing for me as a...
  When you are juggling deployments, moves, and job changes, finding time to take a family vacation can be challenging. But research suggests that spending time and money on experiences with your family is well worth the investment. Our four...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before