Marriage and motherhood are no piece of cake. I try to stay on top of things around the house, and I try to keep my spirits up on particularly trying days.  Although I can’t always count on things going the...
We all know Halloween is a big deal, especially for those with small children. However, parents face the same conundrum every year: what to do with all that extra Halloween candy. You don't want to give it all to...
“Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong.” — W.R. Purche I did have the best dog. His name was Astro, and he died a few weeks ago at the (best guess) age of 18. He...
To all parents with babies who aren't quite babies anymore: Let me try and explain. Have you looked at your kids lately? I mean, really looked. Is there hair somewhere on their body where it wasn't before? Have they grown a few inches this...
Deployments suck. We can all agree on that. That doesn’t mean we have to lead a terrible life for half the year though. I’m no expert, but I think I lead a pretty happy life even when my husband...
My daughter just turned one, and I keep crying about it. It’s been a year since this little one came careening into the world two days overdue. After the drawn out births of my first two children, I expected hours...
She sits in my office, light flickering across her tear-stained face. Another day of advanced classes and high-achievement academics has left her weary and empty. She tells me the things we all think but are afraid to say. I hear...
In honor of Mother's Day, we interviewed a military mom from each of the past eight decades. We enjoyed hearing what has changed and what has stayed the same. From fads to parenting techniques to timeless advice, moms have...
As a working mom of three kids under five, I don’t get a lot of opportunities to watch television, but when I do, I usually find myself hiding in the laundry room, folding a mountain of clothes and watching...
If I'm really honest with myself, I spent most of my kids' early years feeling like I was always falling short. Call it mom guilt, call it the natural response to four kids and only so much of me...
My first baby came right on time. My second baby came 2 weeks early. When I found out I was pregnant the third time, I looked at the calendar and his March 22nd due date and oh-so-prophetically proclaimed, "He...
I am a runner. I also am a mom to three kids, three and under. I am a #MotherRunner. I ran my first half marathon 8 months postpartum with my second child. Now that my youngest is 5 months old,...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee