Military families make up less than 0.5 percent of the American population. Though we have been at war since 9/11, few Americans have served in the military or have a direct link to it. There is a large gap between civilians...
I loved Saturday mornings as a kid, and not for the cartoons. Growing up, we happily climbed into the minivan early in the morning. We didn't mind because we were going to Great Grandma and Grandpa’s house in Roy,...
I was 23 years old when I found out I was pregnant. It was in that moment that I realized  my baby would be the first baby whose diaper I would ever change. Needless to say, I knew nothing...
One night last month I was on my computer procrastinating. I was supposed to be doing homework, but I was scrolling through social media, and I saw an article about John Legend taking swimming lessons with his daughter. Of...
Not long ago, I posted the following picture via @mommafiltered to one of my social media accounts: The idea seemed to resonate with people, as one-by-one, encouraging messages and ‘likes’ poured in. A handful felt the need to clarify that...
As a working mom of three kids under five, I don’t get a lot of opportunities to watch television, but when I do, I usually find myself hiding in the laundry room, folding a mountain of clothes and watching...
I’m fine. Everything is fine. We are fine. How often do we repeat these sentences? More importantly, how often are they accurate and honest? In our February book club pick, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, we meet a woman who...
This past month has been pretty stressful. Both boys are playing sports, so that's two sets of practices and games consuming our lives every week. Work has had its ups and downs. I'm considering a job switch, which has...
Most people hear the word “retirement” and think of something that happens later in life. Generally, it is a time where one stops working and lives off of a company pension, retirement plan, or savings. It evokes images of...
You are a military spouse.  You'll meet more people during your spouse's years of services than you can count. You'll meet superiors and subordinates. You'll meet classmates, wingmen, and crew members. You'll meet new spouses, older spouses, and single military members....
She sits in my office, light flickering across her tear-stained face. Another day of advanced classes and high-achievement academics has left her weary and empty. She tells me the things we all think but are afraid to say. I hear...
In light of the "Momo Challenge" becoming a big click-et item on social media lately, we at Military Moms Blog want to take the opportunity to talk safety and your children. Hoax or not, it is always a good...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before