We give military kids so much credit (and rightly so), but they sometimes need a little TLC along the way to help them realize the bigger picture. Thankfully, books are one of the best gateways to help those little...
You walk into your toddlers’ room and you see him dumping all his toys on the floor. He’s not engaging in any of the toys he’s dumped but merely stumbling through the mess. You go down to his level and...
The Princess Bride has, and always will be, my favorite movie of all time. It has not only entertained me but taught me a lesson or two. I can watch the movie on mute and quote the entire thing. No...

Be A Friend

As the school year started, I decided I needed to revamp my boys’ chore chart.  I wanted them to work on creating good habits that aligned with our new schedule.  I also wanted to put an emphasis on the...
You Changed My Life These were the last words that we ever expected to hear… “I’m sorry, but your son has Down Syndrome. I know there is a lot to fear.”   “Do you see him?” she whispered to her husband, grabbing his...
Did you know that all KinderCare Learning Centers are both licensed AND accredited? This means that all childcare facilities - from their buildings to their teachers to their curriculum - are monitored and approved by outside authority figures. KinderCare is...
I discovered subscription boxes five years ago and have tried several of them. My favorite part about these boxes is that you can find a variety of themes and topics to suit your child’s interests and yours!  If your kids...
I was first introduced to Tiny Troops Soccer through a fellow military spouse while I was pregnant with my first child.  While I knew it wasn't going to be something we could participate in for a few years, I...
I’ve never struggled to know what I like to do. I changed my major seven times in college but only because I loved everything. I was so excited by the abundance of opportunities to learn that I found myself...
This post was written in honor of World Prematurity Day on November 17th and aims to spark conversation and awareness about an often overlooked repercussion of traumatic births.  In an ideal world, those first beautiful moments you gaze into your...
As the dawning of a new year around the sun is starting to show, I find myself reflecting on the last 30 + 1 years. Something I do from time to time if I'm feeling nostalgic or in need...
It's back to school time! Or is it?  There is still a great deal of uncertainty on how and where schooling will take place for our children this fall. Every school district, city, state, and country is adjusting to our...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee