I was in the pediatrician’s office the other day getting my son’s 4-year-old checkup. He was happily playing in the “laundry” area of the waiting room—moving fabric from the pretend washer, then to the dryer, then ironing it with...
"The time will pass so fast. Just enjoy every minute!" I call big fat BOLOGNA!! Are you seriously telling me that I should enjoy rinsing poop out of my three-year-old's underpants? I should be whistling a happy tune while scrubbing the make-up...
In the UK, schools are out for summer break at the end of July. For a whole six weeks. And that isn't including the eleven weeks prior to that where schools were (and for the most part still) closed for...
Parenting is hard, am I right? Before I had children, I felt that I was a much more confident parent. I knew how I would handle every possible situation that would eventually come my way. Parenting may not have seemed...
As I’ve written before, I came to motherhood late in the game. My husband and I celebrated our eleventh anniversary a few months before our son was born. He was born ten days before I turned 35, that all...
You always remember your firsts… The good ones. The bad ones. And especially the ugly ones. Personally, I will never forget our first deployment. Now, this probably requires a bit of back story to fully understand, but I’ll keep...
Do you like playdough? Do your kids? Most of us have play dough in the house or perhaps like to make our own. We like using playdough for learning and play. Adding a sensory element to learning is a great...
There’s a meme that’s been around for a while that says, “How do you talk to girls about their bodies? You don’t!” When I first saw this, I thought, Heck yeah! Girl power! That’s right. Don’t be telling them...
We are thrilled to partner with Crooked Creek Farm Country Store to bring you this series on school lunches. Crooked Creek Farm Pasture-Raised Pork Sticks are made from Crooked Creek's farm and are unlike anything else on the market....
This is a post about our family’s choice to homeschool. We are fortunate to make the choice that is best for us, and we remain supportive about whatever is best for you and your family. I was cleaning off our...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. Before you find yourself getting lost in...
This article is written by the founders of Woah, Wait. Walmart? - we hope you enjoy their tips for dorm room decor and style! For more information about this team, please see their bio and social media links below   It’s...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee