During your spouse's deployment, you have to really dig deep for strength. You claw away at yourself to find another ounce of courage, patience, resiliency. You make a lot of decisions – you do a lot; all on your...
In 2017, my husband and I, recently newlyweds, faced his third deployment together. When we walk through season of times apart, we establish goals to work towards that help to find purpose and unity in hard circumstances. I recently...
I crushed a baseball cap over my bed head as I grabbed keys. The early morning air nipped at my fingers as I carried the handheld vacuum down the driveway. I opened the door to my husband's car and...
As a military spouse, your service member is likely away for periods of time. Whether it’s months or weeks, this time can leave you feeling lonely. It can likely make you feel all kinds of things. Sad, annoyed, frustrated,...
Whether you (or I) like it, if your spouse (or you!) is in the military, separation is a big piece of this life. No matter if it's a field exercise, trip to a training center, or a deployment- you...
Deployments suck. We can all agree on that. That doesn’t mean we have to lead a terrible life for half the year though. I’m no expert, but I think I lead a pretty happy life even when my husband...
About three weeks into my husband’s one year unaccompanied PCS tour overseas, I needed to make my first Red Cross message in his career. My stomach sank as I had to call my husband and let him know his...
There I was enjoying a nice, relaxing shower. The kids were sleeping, the clothes were folded, and the floors were actually mopped hence I was enjoying a 10 minute shower instead of the typical hurried five minute one. Suddenly,...
My husband left for Army basic training right before our daughter turned a year old. They had an amazing bond, and one of my husband’s fears was that during his almost seven months away (almost 10 weeks of basic...
If you ask me how I feel about my husband’s deployment, it might be a curse-laden rant about him being gone for nearly the first ten months of our daughter’s life. But most of the time I look back...
Somewhere around 3am, after my four month old woke up for the third time to eat, I went to use the bathroom and wash my hands when I noticed…the water wasn’t working. I jiggled the faucet as the muscles...
Tim had a deployment when Jacob, our oldest, had just turned two. It was hard to know how to talk about it with him then—he didn't have the vocabulary or the understanding. Tim gave him a small stuffed lion and...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before