I thought I liked pumpkin. I mean, pumpkin pie, right? That was the extent of my experience with this type of squash. To be fair, if someone had told me I was eating squash pie as a 7-year-old, I...
When I think of my chronic pain, I think of a time that my nephew was ill. We both handled our pain in the same way. Let me paint a picture for you (trigger warning for sensitive stomachs): My nephew has...
Our busy, complicated lives sometimes bring a wave of negative emotions: sadness, jealousy, depression, grief, anger, confusion, anxiety, and stress. It is all too easy to succumb to the powerful nature of these emotions and allow them to control...
COVID-19 has changed lives across the planet. One of the things I keep seeing all over social media is "We're all in the same boat!" While I appreciate the sentiment of unity, this is far from true. We are all in...
It was over ninety degrees, and I was encapsulated in full length jeans and a lightweight sweater. I was a female Steve Carrell in my eighteen layers of clothing, minus the fact that Crazy Stupid Love's Ryan Gosling hadn't...
We read a great deal of fiction books that dissect the American family. We like these books for their relatability; their portrayal of fictional characters in all-too-real situations; their gritty and honest details.  In The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry...
Military moms are a special breed. We move a lot. We find new houses, new schools, new churches, new grocery stores, new playgroups, new friends. We find and start new jobs. We uproot. We settle down. And then we...
Dear Meredith,  You’ve made it. You are now officially halfway done with this latest deployment. You are surviving, your kids are striving, and your husband is doing well on the other side of the world. Sure, some of that time...
These meatballs and sauce are a party favorite. They are a staple at every family gathering. My mom has been making them for years. I've started taking them when I'm asked to bring an appetizer or snack. They are...
I love football ... Not in the rumble, tumble tomboy kind of way -- although I've always wished I was 'that girl.' I deeply want to be the gal that watches each touchdown and celebrates each victory while wearing a...
Three years ago, my daughter and I were in a car accident. A man ran a red light, crashed into me in the driver’s seat and wrapped my baby girl’s side of the car around a telephone pole. In the split-second...
As moms, wives, and women, we’re hard on ourselves, and it is not pretty what it does to us. We lose ourselves to our insecurities both in how we perceive ourselves and how we think others view us, and we...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee