My husband and I have just celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary and I’ve, naturally, been reflecting on my first decade as a military spouse. I started thinking what I would tell my pre-military spouse self if I had a...
summer color graphic with watermelon, pineapple, sunglasses, and shoes

Summer Fun!

... maybe it's because my family is from Texas. ... or perhaps because for the last three years we've been stationed at Fort Drum I've yearned for sunshine for months on end during the harsh, bitter winters of Northern New...

Invite Her Anyway

"Do you want to come over this morning?" I rushed out on the phone, half expecting my late invitation to be turned down. "Yes, actually that's exactly what I need today. I can be there after you drop the...

Why I Write

When I was in third grade, I won a writing contest for our area. It had been a class assignment to write a story and include an illustration or two. My story was a creation based on the beloved...
In July of 2021, our family took a trip to visit my in-laws in the mountains of Idaho. We decided to spend one of our days breathing in the fresh air and majestic views of Ponderosa State Park. It...
When I worked at the School Age Program Summer Camp at Hill Air Force Base as a college student we took the kids bowling each week. For an hour and a half the kids bowled their hearts and sweaty...
Being a military family has its unique challenges and sacrifices, but also presents opportunities for finding hidden gems that can stretch your budget. From discounted travel options to exclusive campgrounds, your military family can take advantage of sometimes overlooked...
If you haven't already, at some point you've probably considered base housing. Choosing where to live is a big decision and sometimes it's contingent upon where you're stationed. Some stations, or seasons, lean us a little more towards one...
According to Webster's dictionary, "bereaved" means "suffering the death of a loved one." . With July being Bereaved Parents' Awareness Month, I found it fitting to write about my own parents as they lost their eldest chid, my brother, in a...
We just wrapped up our first beach trip of the summer season as a family! My kids, aged three and five, love the beach but often struggle with self-entertaining while in the sand. I intentionally pack items that act...
Last summer, we moved for the seventh time. We arrived at our new base right around the 4th of July, which meant we had spent the last three weeks of June packing up our house, planning our cross-country drive...
Before I tell you the story of how my life was transformed, I need to start with: Vacation Bible School (VBS) changed my life. I want to say that again for those who maybe didn't hear me the first...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before