We are so glad YOU are here! Are you a military mom who enjoys writing, social media, and connecting with women in your community? Have you ever considered yourself a writer, but you are a mom with something to say? We...
In my early twenties retail therapy, manicures and coffee shop sit and sips were my thing. I had my hair blown dry a few times a month at the salon and power walked along the seawall a few times...
We are looking to expand our Military Mom Collective Executive Team! Do you have a passion for supporting other moms and building community? Are you passionate about the military community? Our team is growing, and we are looking for an...
The hospital meds out of my system presented me with new issues. I was in constant pain. Learning to use muscles that hadn’t moved in months and now dealing with neuropathy in my lower legs and feet, especially on...
It's that time of year... new beginnings and excitement about trying new things (or old things, for that matter). You're pumped. You're ready to tackle that thing you've been waiting all of last year to crush this year. Last...
Do you know what I mean when I say I’m the default parent? I mean I’m ALWAYS the one my kids go to first, regardless of whether my husband is home or not.  It is commonplace for them to...
Twentynine Palms is one of those duty stations. The one some would prefer to skip, the one some can't wait to leave and the one some will leave crying. This is our second time stationed here and I'd be...
There are so many influencers and content creators out there that it’s difficult to say who is the original. But not really. Your big sister is the original influencer. And she didn't even need Instagram to get started! Your sister...
Curious Kids, Embarrassing Moments

Curious Kids

“Where do babies come from?” can be categorized as one of the most dreaded questions parents face. And as much as many would love to avoid answering that question, it’s one that has to be addressed. But that’s for...
In 2019, I was trying to think of something interesting to write about for this blog. When I heard that my local coffee shop used their profits to fight human trafficking, I knew I needed to interview the owners...
The year 2022 significantly altered my life. I will never and can never be the same. Some events just scar you for life. In my case, I am literally scarred. The base of my throat has a puckered scar,...
There should have been no surprises when I attended a “Favorite Things” party last month I brought gift cards to a bookstore. I love books! The only New Years' resolution/goal I make is to set a reading goal for...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before