  I never buy anything at full retail price. Seriously, never. Why? Well, it’s a habit I developed in part due to my upbringing, but it’s also because I simply don’t have to pay full price and neither do you!...
Our team of contributors and founders are avid readers and writers.  A book club seems like a necessity, right? We can all choose a book, read it, discuss it, and share ideas with one another. But for our group,...
"They saw something on my mammogram, and I have to go back for more tests." This was the text I woke up to from my best friend back in January. I stared at it in disbelief and told myself it...
"Hey Girl! (I use this phrase when I don't really know someone but am attempting to be simultaneously breezy and familiar.) Remember me?" Nope. As I sat on my kitchen floor shamefully attempting to hide behind an open cabinet so I...
Today, my best friend came to me with all kinds of wonderful ideas about helping out in our community and things my family could get involved in together. Intentions were awesome, and his heart was in an extraordinary place....
Y’all, I never thought I’d be a salesperson. I have always been the shy, dreamy-eyed romantic who is feeling big feelings and writing poetry in the corner. I see multiple sides in most arguments. In fact, I spent most...
Every time I move, like a lot of you, I find it challenging to make new friends. I like to keep in touch with the friends I’ve made, but I also know that I need to make a few...
Attention all mamas who are currently not drinking! Are you expecting a sweet little bundle? Are you nursing and nervous your baby might be getting a little too happy at happy hour? Whatever your reason for abstaining, I've assembled...
Our exchange started out innocently enough. The nanny was asking about a tiny detail in our baby’s morning routine; my husband had given her slightly different information than I had.  She was asking for clarification. Then I made The Face:...
Mummy-Tummy: The dreaded flab that anyone who's birthed a baby is all too familiar with. As a mom of two, I understand the drive to tone that tummy and start the long process to slim-down.  But as a fitness professional,...
I’m starting a new health and fitness routine … again. It officially makes my third “fresh start” since my son was born, but THIS one is going to be the one that digs in deep – past the special...
I love football ... Not in the rumble, tumble tomboy kind of way -- although I've always wished I was 'that girl.' I deeply want to be the gal that watches each touchdown and celebrates each victory while wearing a...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before