Moving to a new assignment means it's time to say goodbye to your comfortable house and familiar belongings and head to the base or local hotel. It means living out of suitcases for a few days (if you're lucky)...
November is National Native American Heritage Month and a great opportunity to learn more about American Indian and Native Alaskan nations, people, and cultures. One of our family's favorite ways to learn is through reading, and today I am...
You’ve watched the moving truck roll down the street, turned in the keys, piled the kids clutching man’s best friend into the car, and waved “bye house.” Whether there are days or weeks between this moment and the next when...
I am going to come right out and tell you that I am a stroller snob. This doesn’t mean that I push my children around in a $1200 vintage pram or use one of these fancy contraptions, although I...
This might sound strange but up until 3 years ago, I didn’t really know what Thanksgiving was all about. That might have already given you a hint that I’m not American. I’m British! My family and I moved out...
I was a young college student when I met my husband. I didn’t have any experience with the military and was hesitant to dive headfirst into the relationship. Fast forward that relationship a few years, and I had experienced a...
During a recent visit with my family, I visited the World War II Valor in the Pacific Monument.  This national monument is famously home to the USS Arizona Memorial; it also encompasses the Battleship Missouri Memorial, the USS Bowfin...
For my birthday this year, I wanted to travel. We are currently stationed in Italy, and there are so many amazing places that can be visited over a long weekend. However, my husband was in the middle of a...
My kids didn’t remember Mother’s Day this year, and you know what? I had a lovely day!  I’m from the U.K., and we celebrate Mother’s Day in March. This year, my husband was on a ship in the Arctic Circle...
My husband was in Afghanistan when we found out we had the opportunity to be stationed in Israel together. Instead of reporting at a regular military base, we would be signing in at an embassy. The same day he...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. This week is all about sharing the...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before