When an F-16 pilot crashed recently, it left me wondering who was left behind. Was the spouse of the pilot a friend of mine? Would she be ready and able to provide for her family after such a tragic...
If you are reading along with our Military Moms Blog Book Club, you know that our monthly selections are a variety. Our selections range between fiction and nonfiction, and our genres are limitless. I enjoy when a book is...
  I have heard lots of older adults marvel at baby carriers, fancy double strollers, and other baby gear that they would have appreciated in their day. Parenting now is a lot different than in generations past. The biggest difference...
I'm fine. I heard myself say it all the time. It was the standard response to any inquiry of my day, my mood, my life, my attitude. It was a knee-jerk response; something I would say without truly thinking about...
Dear Princess Meghan, I am a girl, and I have great ambitions. I love reading, dancing, swimming, soccer, playing dress up, and being dramatic. I can read a story and totally lose myself in the narrative. It becomes all I...
Nothing screams springtime more than fresh vegetables and the reintroduction of non frozen fruits back into your kitchen! I have so many memories of taking a play break and snapping green beans with my mom. There is just something...
I am wary of crowdsourcing many of my life questions. To say I'm reluctant to ask for parenting opinions, political advice or other serious topics on Facebook would be an understatement. But, I do love the Internet when it’s...
The days are quickly approaching where my sweet school-aged children will be released from school for the summer! Home with me. All day. Every day. And a little secret: I love it. I love not having to set my alarm. I love eating dinner...
In honor of Mother’s Day, we interviewed a military mom from each of the past eight decades. We enjoyed hearing what has changed and what has stayed the same. From fads to parenting techniques to timeless advice, moms have...
Leading up to a deployment, we’re all hanging on by a thread -- walking through our days strong but broken. The strands that hold us together are snapping one … by … one ... by ... one. Another lost night...
Marriage and motherhood are no piece of cake. I try to stay on top of things around the house, and I try to keep my spirits up on particularly trying days.  Although I can’t always count on things going the...
One of the amazing benefits of military service is the use of your Veteran's Administration Home Loan! Without a VA loan, many service members would not have the ability to purchase a home. Here are 7 things you need to...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before