If you read my last article about keeping your independence during an overseas posting, it might come as a bit of a surprise that I don’t hate the ‘dependent’ label us military spouses are often given.  Stay with me, I’ll...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. This week, my newly retired military spouse...
I got a bad haircut in December. I'd like to share with you what I learned from the experience. Nothing. I learned almost nothing. There is no silver lining except increased empathy for your bad haircuts, past or future.  While down...
Being in the military is stressful, and being married is stressful. Being married in the military is something only those who experience it know! Let’s be honest: many married people think about divorce at some point or another, military...
Last week our cat passed away suddenly from congestive heart failure. Her loss was the icing on the cake of what has been a difficult move for me. I grieved not only because her death was unexpected and...
No matter how far you are into this military journey, I bet most of us have or will at some point have to rent. And we all dread those white walls that feel so impersonal. We do own our current...
“Just relax, it will happen when it’s time!” “Have you tried _____??” “Oh, it took us 3 whole months to get pregnant, I know exactly how you feel!” If you’re like me and have personally dealt with the physical, emotional, psychological, and...
My husband and I have been together fourteen years and married for twelve; within the last few years, I've watched his interest in the outdoors grow significantly. Our definitions of outdoor adventures flow in different directions, though. He's into...
When I was about ten years old I watched a house get taken apart and put on wheels. I watched this from my grandparent's driveway. It was a historical home that for some reason someone decided to take apart and...
Today was a yes/and day. You know the ones. The days, weeks, months, seasons. I first grabbed onto the yes/and idea after hearing it explained by Annie F Downs, a writer, speaker, and podcast host I’d love to be friends with...
When a friend’s birthday is coming up, I usually know what I want to buy her months in advance. When Christmas rolls around and you need gift ideas, I’m your woman. Surprisingly, my love language is not that of...
To the new military spouse: I see you. You are standing by the wall at a squadron function. You alternate between timid and brazen, depending on your personality. Your eyes flit over every person there. You stay close to your significant...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before