I've been a military spouse for five years, and in those five years I've come to realize that military life is a confusing roller coaster ride of emotions. Some days, I feel like a good military spouse - I...
Momming ain’t easy. Being a military spouse ain’t easy. Having a career ain’t easy. Add all three together, and let me tell you, the struggle is real. Now please don’t read this as a pity party, table of one. Please...
Basic military training begins the day the recruit ships and it lasts from anywhere from 7.5 weeks to 12 weeks, depending on the branch (Comparing Basic Training for the 5 Branches of U.S. Military Service - VeteranAid).   Air Force...

Dear Future Dog …

Dear Future Dog, Some people may think it’s strange I’m writing this letter to you, but children write letters to Santa, a figure who was real in the past, and you are real in the future so potato, potahto, why...
The first time I remember my dad being gone was during a year-long deployment to South Korea when I was in the second grade. Video calling software was not commonly available during that time, so my dad typically called...
I was never one of those girls that dreamed about or pre-planned my wedding in my head, nor did I give much thought to being a mom. But I have long dreamt of and anticipated becoming a grandmother. A few...
“Why do we have to move again?” my 10 year-old asked, demanding an answer. “Well, because the Army gave us orders to move to Germany,” I calmly explained. “I’m not going. I refuse to move to Germany,” she stated...
We’ve all been there. That dreaded phone call. “Orders came in. Are you sitting down?” “Yes…” A prickly anticipation fills the air, like your foot falling asleep. You teeter between giddy excitement and a foreboding sense of dread, all wrapped up...
When you hear the term WASP, what do you think of? If your first thought was not about the Women Airforce Service Pilots, don't fret. It's something I had not heard before I read our October book, Final Flight Final...
I am going to just come right out and say it. I have been having an affair ... with H-E-B. The first time we met, I didn’t know what I had. I was young and foolish. I used you to...
Lingering moving boxes remain tucked away in our basement, filled with donations or items to sell. My son’s artwork covers the fridge, proud trophies from his days spent at his new school. Toys scatter the yard, loved on by...
I got rid of Facebook a couple years ago. It felt great. Then, like Michael Corleone, just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in. At first, it was because I was helping a client with their social...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before