Five years ago, we adopted a little girl from China. The journey has been filled with joys, surprises, and struggles we could have never imagined. When we started the process, we thought our future daughter had a simple special...
We are moving this week. I am a pro at moving. We’ve done it enough. Staged house to sell. Separated stuff into piles. Cleaned out closets. Transferred utilities. We’re good at it. Moving is easy. But no matter how often I fill out a change...
We all know that traveling isn't easy. Especially traveling with children. Road trips are one thing, but when you have to pack your gear up and head to the airport, that's a whole other ball of wax. Fortunately for...
There are things in life to look forward to with eager anticipation; a deployment is not one of them.   For us, the dreaded deployment is underway and with each new document, training or additional uniform, there's greater awareness that the date is...
I read one time that in an effort to minimize stress and anxiety, you should only have one major life event in a year. Get married, have a baby, change jobs, move anywhere … those things might all happen...
One of the challenges of being a military spouse is that you are unlikely to live near your (or your spouse's) family. That means your support system may not be what you'd like. In an effort to have a...
It’s easy, a little too easy, to get bogged down with the day-to-day aspects of life and fall into a rut. Sometimes just getting the kids up, dressed, and off to school seems like a major win; like I’ve...
When military families first find out they’re going to be stationed in Jacksonville, North Carolina, they tend to be less than thrilled. They were maybe hoping for somewhere a little more glamorous like California or Hawaii. In their minds,...
Spring is finally in the air, and Permanent Change of Station, better known as PCS season, is almost upon us! Are you one of the many military families that will be packing up your household goods and moving across...
Alarm goes off at half past six You hit snooze to get your fix Of the sleep you lost the night before As you frantically searched for a costume and more   Because your child has yet another theme day At least the 12th time...
Parents have completely ruined Easter Egg Hunts. Last year was the first and last time I will ever take my kid to an Easter Egg Hunt. She was 14 months old and had only been walking for just a few...
I vividly remember the day we got our orders for Oklahoma City. My husband just finished preliminary training and getting our selection that day was a big affair. His grades were so good that we had every reason to...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before