Here we are, ready to face another January. Whether your theme is “New Year, New You” or “New Year, Same You,” it is always fun and challenging to pick up a new habit or refine an old one. I’ve been...
I watched Sex and the City on repeat in my college years. My girlfriends and I would gather around our living room TV with bowls of popcorn and glasses of wine. We would stay up late in the night...
I go through seasons with the way I make my coffee. How I prepare the brew seems to mirror the season I'm in. As of late, my cup of caffeine is ready in about two minutes flat, thanks to...
If your best friend, neighbor, sibling, or a total stranger in the parking lot of the grocery store told you that: they felt like they were failing as a parent that their children’s behavior was a disaster some days ...
When I was young, single, and child-free, I went to the spa monthly. I had my nails done every two weeks and my hair done at least every other month. I thought that was the minimal maintenance for me to...
How much do I love a Costco rotisserie chicken? Oh, let me count the ways. How about seven ways, one for every day of the week? Maybe it's because we've been stationed in Germany for so long already, but I officially...
“Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.” – Jen Williamson Have you ever wanted to journal? I have kept my dearest thoughts, wishes, and hopes in the blank pages of a journal...
Like it or not, we are already at that time of year. The time that some refer to as magical. Wonderful. Inspiring, even. If you find yourself more sympathetic to Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge or anticipate that this holiday season may...
The first moments of the day happen every morning. Each morning, we wake and serve. We consume. As I reflect on serving and consuming in the mornings, my mind directs me immediately to physical nourishment, the first meal of the...
An isolated, abandoned girl, a judgmental town and era, and a suspicious death that is actually a murder in the marshes of North Carolina. What's not to love in this month's book club pick? Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia...
Raise your hand if you've thought any of these: Don’t even get me started that there’s less than 2 months left of 2021. Wasn’t this year supposed to be better? Good night nurse, how much more can we handle? (Dear...
The story of Martini Fridays started a year ago... Sometime at the start of the first lockdown in March 2020, when the days began to blur together and none of us knew up from down, my husband started a tradition...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee