It was perfectly planned. My husband and I would take our youngest son with us, stop at my grandma’s house, stay in a hotel halfway to our new state, and arrive at our new home the next day. My...
I will never win the award for the world’s most decisive person. For me, the world has always been filled with endless choices. This can be good and bad. Twenty flavors of ice cream are good. Five choices for...
Back in July of 2017, I wrote my very first Military Moms blog. It spoke to the newness of being a military spouse. It was well received overall. However, there was one military spouse, in particular, who was really...
I was a young college student when I met my husband. I didn’t have any experience with the military and was hesitant to dive headfirst into the relationship. Fast forward that relationship a few years, and I had experienced a...
Recently, my husband's military record changed to reflect that he now has an "exceptional family member." Prior to the diagnosis, nothing appeared amiss. Afterwards, I experienced an array of emotions ranging from shock and anger to hurt and fear. We denied. I cried. But, as all...
At some point in a military career, you are likely to live in military base housing or some type of off-base, privatized housing. Base housing isn't always basic, but it usually is a standard home with builder grade materials....
Did you know that active duty and retired military families can purchase discounted tickets to Disney World and Disneyland? Tickets are available in a four or five day package and include the park hopper option. This is a great deal...
To the new military spouse: I see you. You are standing by the wall at a squadron function. You alternate between timid and brazen, depending on your personality. Your eyes flit over every person there. You stay close to your significant...
Let’s talk about rank. When I was a brand new baby mil spouse, I went to a class called Heart Link. It’s an Air Force new spouse orientation program; although, these days they encourage you to attend when you're new...
I was 18 years old the first time I moved away from home. And it changed me. I learned how to live with another female. As a girl with only brothers, this was a big one. Thankfully, I was lucky enough...
A long time ago, I was told that I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I wanted something in my life to go a certain way and, well, it just wasn't. As a particular...
I cried at Chick-fil-A today. I went there to eat my feelings, but instead I ended up making everyone around me exceptionally uncomfortable.  I fully believe that Chick-fil-A is a place to be happy. To eat the Lord's Chicken, to...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee