I poured the hot water into my paper cup, plopped in a tea bag, and headed to my seat. “Hi, Courtney. So glad you were able to join us,” one of the coordinators cheerfully greeted me as I joined...
I wish I hadn’t waited. If I could go back and change one single thing in my entire life, it would be to get help sooner. I knew something was probably “off” within a few months of delivering our first...
Nine years ago, I was blessed with the birth of my beautiful daughter.  We had been waiting for her arrival for too long. It was not easy to get to the moment where I could finally hear her first cry....
It’s hard to believe that anyone might say the words “breastfeeding saved my life,” but in my case, it did.  It was always my dream, as it is with any new mom, to breastfeed my baby. In fact, during our...
Military families quickly become accustomed to living far away from their family members and loved ones. The distance is challenging in the best of times, but what happens if a close family member becomes ill or is diagnosed with cancer...
**I want to preface this post by saying that my words may trigger some of you. If you feel like your heart is in a tender spot today, it is more than okay to stop reading right now. I...
This is part of a series of perspectives from our contributors on a subject that no one quite has the answer to: when is your family complete? Read an earlier article from another mother here, and comment below to...
We have four children. Our daughter, who is the eldest, was three years old when I gave birth to our youngest. It sounds like a riddle, but it was simply our reality. I honestly wanted my kids close in age, and...
Has there been a time in your life where a female friend, mentor, colleague, or family member has given you inspiration? Has that person given you the courage to face something difficult or helped you in some way that...
Here we are in this pandemic - one year later. Your child's school is closed or only open part-time. Dad's deployed or working some crazy over-time hours. There's three kids under the age of 10 running around your house, begging...
I’ve never struggled to know what I like to do. I changed my major seven times in college but only because I loved everything. I was so excited by the abundance of opportunities to learn that I found myself...
This goes out to all the military moms of teenagers, from the military moms of little ones. Teenagers. There are a million preconceived notions of what that age group is like and usually, they aren't the most reassuring. That's why I...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before