A small boy sits on the ground facing away from the camera. He is surrounded by orange, yellow and brown leaves which have fallen from the trees.

Falling in love with fall

Would you believe me if I told you that I didn’t really understand the fascination with fall/autumn before we moved to Pennsylvania?  It’s true, but after a few weeks, I definitely started falling in love with fall! Let me back...
My name is Heather, and I don't want to go "home" for the holidays. I grew up in the Midwest with two parents and one sister. My daddy passed away in 2009 and I don't have the greatest relationship with...
Mothers everywhere have their favorite catch phrases. Many helpful or humorous words said by moms have been immortalized on bumperstickers, t-shirts, throw pillows, and memes across the globe. We can still hear our own mothers' or grandmothers' voices in...
My husband and I have just celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary and I’ve, naturally, been reflecting on my first decade as a military spouse. I started thinking what I would tell my pre-military spouse self if I had a...
The Military Mom Collective is joining people all across the U.S. to celebrate the number pi, also written 𝝅 or 3.14. Pi is the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. The digits of pi go...
If we were having coffee, I would tell you this is one of those days where we should be drinking wine instead. You see, it's one of those days when the Deployment Curse has hit me hard.  I sprained my...
We are excited to partner with Samantha Costello, a Marine Corps spouse and owner of Core Fit, to bring you this fitness series. Check out what Samantha has to say about working with military spouses. She encourages them to...
No matter where we have been stationed, people argue back and forth over whether or not they like shopping at the commissary. At our base, we are fortunate enough to have a relatively large commissary, though I know that's not...
It was just a regular weekend.   We cleaned the house, ran to Target, took our four-year-old to ballet class, and went out for lunch. There are probably a million other families that had the exact same itinerary for their weekend,...
Military families quickly become accustomed to living far away from their family members and loved ones. The distance is challenging in the best of times, but what happens if a close family member becomes ill or is diagnosed with cancer...
Military spouses routinely hold volunteer roles in both the military community as well as their civilian community. In a 2018 Blue Star Families Military Family Lifestyle Survey, “among the 71% of military and veteran family respondents who volunteered in...
We've been doing this military thing for 16 years...enough time that I'm officially not a newbie in this role as a spouse; I'd even go as far as saying that I'm "seasoned." But today...today I'm simply tired of being...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before