Parenting is hard, am I right? Before I had children, I felt that I was a much more confident parent. I knew how I would handle every possible situation that would eventually come my way. Parenting may not have seemed...
What do you like to do for fun? When I am finished with my homework, I like to do things like draw, practice soccer skills, and make things out of what my mom calls “trash.” Do you know what all...
Listen, guys. This year has been rough—like, really rough. All our lives have been upended in ways we never could’ve imagined. Mundane activities like walking to the bus stop or going to a check-up are peppered with reminders that everything...
To Whom It May Concern: As the mother of two elementary-aged children, the decision of whether or not to reopen schools this fall and how that will look is a great source of anxiety for myself during this unprecedented time. When our...
I could blame a very popular pup on TV who instructs our children to not lose it, “reuse it!” Or I could blame the abundance of Amazon boxes in my house. Whatever the cause, I think I'm raising an upcycling...
My day had begun pleasantly. My kids were at school;  my husband was at work; I was preparing for my day. I was getting ready for work and left my phone downstairs on a charger. I rushed downstairs to grab...
The Princess Bride has, and always will be, my favorite movie of all time. It has not only entertained me but taught me a lesson or two. I can watch the movie on mute and quote the entire thing. No...
Before I had children, I was buying books. As a preschool teacher, I took advantage of the book orders sent to my classroom and ordered way too many for a person without children, who was not a librarian. Now...
It’s a funny thing, this military life … despite being a teacher, I rarely actually teach. Instead, I often find myself occupying other roles: stay-at-home mom, PTO volunteer, FRG leader, etc. And while these are all fulfilling in their own...

How Football Changed My Life

Fall can't come soon enough. I’m not talking about the pumpkin patches or the infamous Pumpkin Spiced Latte, although I am sure those have some merit as well. I'm talking about the change in weather, and those in the...
"I'm so ready for summer!" "Thank goodness the school year is almost over!" "Bring on summer break!" These are things I never understood when I was a working mom. Life never really changed for us during the summer, except for figuring out...
We are thrilled to partner with Crooked Creek Farm Country Store to bring you this series on school lunches. Crooked Creek Farm Pasture-Raised Pork Sticks are made from Crooked Creek's farm and are unlike anything else on the market....

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before