Our youngest graduates high school this May, so there is a lot of talk about majors and decisions on futures in our house. She’s kiddo #5, and this is not my first rodeo. This is big stuff! Important decisions...
My husband walked in on me yelling at the kids tonight. He was hauling bags of groceries through the entryway right at the moment that I lost my cool. They hadn’t gone to the dinner table when I asked—naturally.  They had...
Can you learn anything about being a good mom from a woman who can't remember her daughter's middle name? Can you learn anything about being a friend from a woman who has lost all her old friends? I say yes....
Do we ever just stop and take a moment to think about how truly blessed we are? That weekend we just spent at a gorgeous beach in Okinawa, Japan in January, basking in the warm sun for very little money...
I am comfortably curled into the left end of our sofa with my "Don't Stress Do Your Best" Threshold mug from Target. I slowly bring the stoneware vessel to my mouth and inhale the campfire notes from my blueberry...
"You should be ashamed of yourself for being a stay at home wife." These are the words that have haunted me for years. Every now and then they resurface, nudging the corners of my vision. I had been at a...
My daughter was born in 2016. The rhetoric of that year was particularly polarizing, outlandish, and oftentimes, outright sexist. I remember it as a hard time to be a new mom, trying to navigate the ins-and-outs of raising a...
My first baby came right on time. My second baby came 2 weeks early. When I found out I was pregnant the third time, I looked at the calendar and his March 22nd due date and oh-so-prophetically proclaimed, "He...
Everyone seemed to be so excited when Disney Plus came out. And by everyone, I meant adults everywhere. People counted down days until its arrival; some even took the day off work! There were so many memes that came...
It was 3am, and neither of us had slept. My red-faced, two-day-old son was screaming and writhing in my arms, refusing to latch to my bruised and bloody nipples. His deep need for comfort and sustenance was something I didn’t...
I have a confession to make: I’m not great at being a stay-at-home mom. It was never part of my plans but neither was marrying a soldier. And because that has meant moving seven times in nine years, you can...
Dearest Friends, As you know, my mom died this summer.  It's taken me a long time to type those words. It's hard to keep my fingers moving on the keyboard even six months later.  I am still learning how to navigate life...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before