Our Military Moms Blog team is incredibly unique. We live in different states and countries. We come from varying backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. We have different family sizes. We are all different ages and in different stages of our lives....
I love pie and turkey but want to learn a more accurate history of Native America people and the Thanksgiving holiday. The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian states:  "We encourage you to celebrate the vibrancy of Native cultures...
This might sound strange but up until 3 years ago, I didn’t really know what Thanksgiving was all about. That might have already given you a hint that I’m not American. I’m British! My family and I moved out...
Like most military spouses, when assignment time rolls around, we often create a list of places we’d like to live and a list of places we’d rather not. Depending on your interests, Nellis AFB in Las Vegas could fall...
I am going to come right out and tell you that I am a stroller snob. This doesn’t mean that I push my children around in a $1200 vintage pram or use one of these fancy contraptions, although I...
I just booked the last trip I will take with my current passport. While I am not normally a sentimental person, I am oddly attached to this little book. In the 10 years I've had this passport, we spent...
Valentine's Day tends to evoke a variety of emotions and reactions depending on life circumstances, experiences, relationship status, etc, all of which primarily center around the idea of "love". Some people love it, some hate it. Some say they hate...
Dads always seem to be the toughest person to shop for. But this list was hand-picked and carefully sourced by our team to help you find the perfect gift for that special dad this holiday season.  Make Dad look alive,...
We just got back from our first trip with our infant. I waited to write this post until after the trip because I wanted to see how it turned out. In our pre-baby life, my husband and I were...
My kids didn’t remember Mother’s Day this year, and you know what? I had a lovely day!  I’m from the U.K., and we celebrate Mother’s Day in March. This year, my husband was on a ship in the Arctic Circle...
My husband and I are coming up on 35 years of marriage. For those of you just starting out, that sounds like forever, but trust me, it goes fast. We carefully sandwiched our wedding between a four month field exercise...
What is a Third-Culture Kid? Are your kids a part of this? In 1950, American sociologist Ruth Useem coined the term third-culture kid. This described expatriate children who spent their most formative years living overseas and being shaped by multicultural...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before