I dropped by my neighbor’s house the other day and was pleasantly surprised when she offered me the cutest little dessert. She had a whole tray of them sitting on her kitchen counter. I asked her what the occasion...
I’m starting a new health and fitness routine … again. It officially makes my third “fresh start” since my son was born, but THIS one is going to be the one that digs in deep – past the special...
I love football ... Not in the rumble, tumble tomboy kind of way -- although I've always wished I was 'that girl.' I deeply want to be the gal that watches each touchdown and celebrates each victory while wearing a...
Recently, a friend asked me to come over and help her babysit. She'd agreed to babysit another friend's two children. I immediately said yes with absolutely no hesitation. I wanted to help her. And I did. But that request turned into another. She...
I couldn't wait to become a mom. I started my family at a pretty young age, and as I loved my little wee ones, I was so excited to become "that mom." You know. The soccer mom. The PTA...
I have started and deleted this post many times. I am at a loss for words, which is weird for me because when I'm telling stories or trying to explain complicated concepts to my three children, my introverted husband...
When I think back to my time using a breast pump with my first child, my memories are pretty ho hum at best. Mostly, I remember being alone in a confined space, with a ticking clock, telling me I...
I love stuff. Can you relate? I have been guilty of succumbing to “retail therapy” every now and again. When I lived alone, it was a hobby. When it was just me and my oldest daughter, it was a...
Gone are the days when I can just pack a small carry-on, drink my coffee, and read a book while I wait for my next flight snuggled up against my husband. I used to watch traveling families and smile as...
I once ogled a piece of home decor that displayed the message S I M P L I F Y.  I whispered to my dear friend "I want one." He replied with a smirk, "what would you do with it?" I've read this blog post...
It’s almost time for the early morning wake ups, school bus, drop off lines, endless amounts of school supplies and, inevitably, the pictures on social media of perfect school breakfasts and lunches. Please get away from me with those school...
I don’t like asking for help because I don’t like bothering people. I tend to assume there are worse things in the world than my problem, and everyone is busy, so why bother them. Because of this thinking, I...

Military Lifestyle

To the Mom of a Military Spouse

An open letter to the Mom of a Military Spouse, Aka my mom. And the moms out there who’ve earned it.  You don’t have your own...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee