I've been an occupational therapist for 15 years. During most of that time, I have worked with older adults who are recovering from strokes, joint replacements, surgeries, and general illnesses. A fair number of patients I see also have...
Today was a yes/and day. You know the ones. The days, weeks, months, seasons. I first grabbed onto the yes/and idea after hearing it explained by Annie F Downs, a writer, speaker, and podcast host I’d love to be friends with...
I wanted to tell you about a devotional I read recently: The Beauty of Motherhood. It’s one I wish I had years ago, but one I now hope to share with new mom friends everywhere. It’s one all moms...
I'm currently recovering from a broken leg and ankle. I lost my grip on the playground and heard a steady crunch as I collapsed like whipped cream onto a sundae into the thick sand. Instead of sitting in the...
No one has tried to take away my birthday, but I'm taking it back anyway. Birthdays seem to change as we get older and are often less fun. I loved my birthday as a kid and want to keep...
Vocabulary is not just a worksheet that comes home from school. It comes in all areas of life and is so important in teaching kids who they are and how to be safe: "So, Regina rhymes with vagina?" one of...
I have 3 kids, two of which were born pretty close together. I called their infancies and toddlerdom my “baby years.” My baby years that were full of the same. The same cup. The same plate. The same toy...
If I was asked what my biggest weakness is, I’d have to say I try to do too much. Like many moms, I always think I can take on one more thing. I can do one more load of...
April is the Month of the Military Child! The Department of Defense brings attention to the sacrifice of military service on our children, celebrating their extraordinary resolve in the face of constant change. According to the Department of Defense, there...

Sakura Season

Springtime is historically a time of rebirth and growth. No place is this more true than Japan. Spring brings Sakura, the beautiful cherry blossoms season. They only last a short time when they are again dormant until next year's season...
When I was a little girl, stickers were my jam. I mean, I would work extra hard on my math facts just for the opportunity to earn a bubble-gum scratch-and-sniff sticker. I had a sticker book where I proudly...
Are you sick of excess toys? Do you have clothes from high school still sitting in the back of your closet? What about those sealed boxes from two-PCSs-ago untouched in your garage? It’s time for a good ‘ole declutter,...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before