It had been one week since our governor canceled all public schools through at least March 30th, and yesterday it was pushed to May 15.  At that moment, I was sitting cross-legged on the floor, typing from the living room coffee...
In my early twenties retail therapy, manicures and coffee shop sit and sips were my thing. I had my hair blown dry a few times a month at the salon and power walked along the seawall a few times...
For moms and dads in military families, teaching your children be even a shade more independent can be a game changer. Though potty training may feel like a massive undertaking, the freedom from diapers is just glorious. Fewer diapers to...
As a former teacher, there is nothing better I loved more than a clean, pretty desk, and some Flair pens! Knowing that, I made a Teacher Appreciation Day Bouquet for my kids' teachers this year.  Here's how: What you need: Papermate Flair...
I am an expectant first-time grandma with a serious case of baby fever. Any time I’m out in public, my eyes are invariably drawn to babies. While standing in a customs line in a large international airport recently, I spied...
Are your kids constantly fighting? If your kids are like mine, they start fighting the second they get into a car. Recently during one of these tumultuous car rides, I took a look in the rearview mirror, just in time...
It's currently 4:47 p.m. on a Thursday afternoon. So far today, my four-year-old daughter has yelled at me about going potty, eating her breakfast, getting dressed, going potty, picking up her toys, putting her dirty clothes in the hamper, going...
Another App

App-solutely Not

"Download the BingBongDingDong messaging app and join our group so that we can send out important class information...." As I read the note posted on the door of my son's church class, I felt the dread creep up. Another app....
Once you know that your child is ready to potty train, one of the most important parts of potty training is making it worth it to "go" with activities for potty training. This means not just rewards (which are useful,...
The end of a very long, often chaotic, and definitely unprecedented school year is here. You can honor your favorite teachers in many ways. It may seem more challenging this year, especially if your student has just met their teacher...
Lice. Did you just scratch your head? Just the mention of it makes my whole body feel itchy, and I get nightmares! OK getting lice may not be the worst thing in the world, but it’s got to be up there...
This summer we thought we'd add to the madness and begin youth team sports. We picked track through our post's recreation office, and we're doing soccer through our city. Our thought was that track will give her endurance (fingers...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before