Alicia Berenson loved her husband. This is obvious in the opening chapter of the "The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides, which is an excerpt from her personal journal. All she wants to do is love him and please him;...
COVID-19 has changed lives across the planet. One of the things I keep seeing all over social media is "We're all in the same boat!" While I appreciate the sentiment of unity, this is far from true. We are all in...
“Oh don’t say that word around Courtney,” my friend joked after hearing another mom share about her hectic life. The mom laughed with confusion. “What word?” Oh great, I thought. How do I want to handle this? I smiled and...
So I married a Texan. A Texas flag-hanging, Whataburger lovin', Cowboys fan-till-he-dies, Lone Star Man. And with that comes a lot of extra obligations. Bluebonnets? We don't pick 'em. H-E-B? I'm sorry, do you mean God's greatest gift to...
Imagine this: you are offered the chance to travel the world for 9 months. You can work remotely, thus providing an income during your travel. You can visit anywhere and in any order. You are limited only by funds...
An isolated, abandoned girl, a judgmental town and era, and a suspicious death that is actually a murder in the marshes of North Carolina. What's not to love in this month's book club pick? Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia...
Marriage can feel hard. In the beginning, it isn’t. My opinion is that it shouldn’t be. It should be mostly rainbows and loving gazes and every night feeling like a date night and "no, I love you more!" (OK my...
I know I'm not alone when I say I am overwhelmed. I am exhausted. I am burned out.  It started with working from home in March, which was sustainable because the Army wanted my husband working from home as well. Of...
Holidays can be stressful for anyone. But being in a military family often makes creating meaningful memories a little more challenging. Going "home" isn't always an option. Your family rarely lives nearby. A holiday doesn't always mean a day off...

Easy Basic Quiche

This isn't going to be a novella telling you the history of baking before I give you a recipe. This is a great "breakfast for dinner" option, a brunch potluck dish for MOPS, or a weekly staple.  Trust me...
When it comes to food, I have a couple weaknesses - baked goods, chocolate, coffee, and wine. I've always enjoyed the art of baking, but somewhere along the way I began to appreciate the baked goods being prepared (hence...
In my children's world of military chaos and disorder, I am the constant, the always present person and place. But this role isn't easy. At our new library, we walk into cheerful chaos: children shouting, towers crashing, bright clothes blurring...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before