It seems that the winter months are all about survival. We just want to make it through the snow storms, through the cold and flu season, and through the line at the mall to get pictures with Santa. We...
No matter where we have been stationed, people argue back and forth over whether or not they like shopping at the commissary. At our base, we are fortunate enough to have a relatively large commissary, though I know that's not...
"I can't wait to go back to normal." It's something I've said since the beginning of this. I mean, haven't we all? But honestly, just thinking about being around people again is starting to give me a little bit of...
I've been secretly watching my preteen a little closer lately- not because she's bad. In fact, quite the opposite. She is young, impressionable, and naive as many "good girls" are. She is the teacher's pet; the overachieving hard worker...
Disclaimer for the teenage (probably angst-ridden) boy of mine who may someday find this on the dark recesses of the internet: I do not regret your name—I hope you don’t either. Plus, you were a far easier infant than...
When I worked at the School Age Program Summer Camp at Hill Air Force Base as a college student we took the kids bowling each week. For an hour and a half the kids bowled their hearts and sweaty...
Military spouses are pretty experienced at the art of starting over in a new place and trying to make new friends but what do you do when you find yourself in ‘Friendship No Man’s Land’? For the first five years...
  Over the years my self-care needs have changed. For me, self-care used to mean going out of the house and being away from my kids for a while. Being in the house was not relaxing for me as a...
“I don’t know what to do,” my 11 year old said as she plopped down at the kitchen table. “About what?” I asked her. “About my friend. I mean, I think we’re friends. I don’t know. I don’t know if I...
I have always wanted to be a doctor. I've known it for nearly my entire life, outside of a few childhood dreams that were unrealistic or plain made up. My daughter is artistic where her father and I are scientific...
We've all heard the stories of little mouths repeating curse words they overheard. Parents typically try to censor television and movies, so their kids are not exposed to anything inappropriate. But the reality is that kids are watching us...
Hey Girl! Those two little words set my teeth on edge. Does anyone else cringe when they hear that greeting? Unless it is in the form of a Ryan Gosling meme, I cannot stand that greeting. Okay, maybe not every time...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before